PTC is dedicated to providing services to all families. High-conflict divorce, estrangement, substance abuse recovery, mental illness, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking are all qualified for PTC services. Parents are not required to obtain a court order or make any report to any government agency. Anyone may call the agency to inquire or request assistance. Eligibility and suitability for PTC to provide service are determined during the intake process.


PTC only accepts cases where parent, child and staff safety and security can be ASSURED. Equal regard is given to the safety of child(ren) and adult victims. Our staff will review and analyze client information and behavior to determine whether services can be provided safely.


The Parenting Time Center staff conduct a thorough face-to-face interview with each parent and, when possible, the child(ren). Parents are expected to bring relevant court documents to the intake interview. PTC will be responsive to the background, circumstances and cultures of the community and the families we serve.

The intake process is very important. It begins our professional relationship with the family. We gather needed family information and we explain the rules of the center. We encourage family members to ask questions. At the end of the intake session we provide a tour of the facility.